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Charlie's Visit

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Hurricane Charlie came through Saint Cloud on Friday the 13th, August 2004.  The good news was that it was rather small and fast with the severe part of the storm lasting less than two hours.  Even so, it did its share of damage to the property.


 Lost a really nice old oak tree, among others, in the front yard.  It was a great tree The Sand Hills lost their shade


Soffeting ripped off on all sides of the house  Shingle damage Three areas of the roof show some structural damage Insulation on the ground blown out of the attic


The mess in the back of the house and the back yard out towards the lake


Significant tree damage and loss in the conservation area.  Much of the damage looked like tornado damage


Lost all the power poles outside the development  More trees down My neighbor's ducks kept coming over to visit Across the street, there is a car under the tree


Ryan, Matt, Ashley and the oak.  I didn't think we'd get this one cleaned up by ourselves, but we did


Four days of cleanup with 'rent a rowers' from the Florida Tech crew team.  Sixteen on the final day


 We did as much cutting with axes as with chain saws These two piles were about half of what was cut and hauled.


 After four day of clean up the place is in much better shape.  Still need to do something with all the the stumps.


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